playboy.com / digital culture / software / deus
 July 18, 2000 By
Howard Wen
Deus Ex takes place in a futuristic world
filled with international conspiracies, far-out technology and
aliens, with a setting that combines elements from The Matrix,
The X-Files and Blade Runner. If you think all of this
sounds similar to the world of Nintendo 64's FPS Perfect Dark, you
wouldn't be far off. Deus Ex could easily pass as the adventure-game
cousin to Perfect Dark, with gameplay elements similar to the strong
storytelling aspect of Half-Life and the stealth-play strategy of
You play the role of J.C. Denton, a
troubleshooter for a world anti-terrorist organization whose look
seems "inspired" by Neo from The Matrix -- right down to the
sunglasses, trench coat and jackboots. The world of the future is in
pretty bad shape: The economy has gone to hell, terrorists are
blowing things up and a killer virus called "Gray Death" is
spreading throughout the populace. In other words, it's your typical
"Boy, the future sure does suck" scenario. These crazy times prove
to be a ripe opportunity for an ancient secret society (who may have
a hand in the catastrophic world events unfolding, of course) to
come out of hiding and make a power play for control of the world's
governments. Oh, and did I already mention that space aliens figure
into all of this somehow?
As Denton, you are sent on missions to perform any number of
covert tasks: information gathering, assassination, rendezvousing
with contacts and the like. Developer Ion Storm boasts that Deus Ex
combines the best elements of role-playing, adventure and
first-person shooter games. Whether you find this cocktail mix
appealing may depend on how much you like each of these genres.
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