Publications I have written for. (Click logos to read my articles.)
Other publications I wrote for. (Articles not available online.)
My most recently published articles
Popular Science - February 20, 2012 "Can I Update the Software on My Old Android Phone?"
Network World - February 13, 2012 "Fast Firefox faceoff: Nightly vs. Pale Moon vs. Waterfox"
O'Reilly Radar - February 6, 2012 "Business-government ties complicate cyber security"
Network World - January 30, 2012 "Tips and tricks for upgrading your Android phone"
O'Reilly Radar - January 17, 2012 "Mobile interfaces: Mistakes to avoid and trends to watch"
Network World - December 12, 2011 "7 free Siri alternatives for Android"
Popular Science - November 14, 2011 "Ask a Geek: How Can I Track My Stolen Gadget?"
Network World - November 14, 2011 "Top 10 Android smartphone browser alternatives"
O'Reilly Radar - November 9, 2011 "Social network analysis isn't just for social networks"
Computerworld - November 3, 2011 "5 office suites for Android phones"
Network World - October 17, 2011 "8 cool Google Labs projects spared the axe"
Network World - October 3, 2011 "Top 9 Firefox fixes"
Network World - September 19, 2011 "5 alternative browsers built with Chrome"
Network World - September 6, 2011 "10 ways to enhance Google+"
O'Reilly Radar - August 15, 2011 "Honeycomb and the Android tablet tipping point"
Computerworld - August 11, 2011 "Google Docs reconsidered"
O'Reilly Radar - August 11, 2011 "The evolution of iOS development: Better tools and a lot more to think aboutGetting started with HTML5 apps"
O'Reilly Answers - August 1, 2011 "Near field communication: What it is and how it works"
O'Reilly Radar - July 12, 2011 "Getting started with HTML5 apps"
Network World - July 11, 2011 "7 free Windows tune-up tools and tips"
NEXTV Writing and Pitch Competition 2011 - July 4, 2011 My pilot script for a TV drama series (titled "sprawl") advanced to the "quarter-finals" judging round of this competition.
Network World - June 27, 2011 "Android lovers: Don't overlook Nook"
Network World - June 6, 2011 "8 hot features in Windows 8"
O'Reilly Radar - June 3, 2011 "The ascendance of App Inventor" Network World - May 12, 2011 "6 best Android Honeycomb tablets you can buy now"
Computerworld - April 25, 2011 "Hands-on: 4 remote-desktop services"
Network World - April 6, 2011 "Screen queens: 7 dual-screen devices you can buy now (or hopefully soon)"
Network World - March 22, 2011 "7 hard-to-find IE9 add-ons"
O'Reilly Radar - March 14, 2011 "Wireless sensor networks can see and shape the world"
Network World - February 25, 2011 "Top 10 Chrome OS extensions"
Network World - February 25, 2011 "How to turn Chrome into gold"
O'Reilly Radar - February 15, 2011 "Why the Droid line caught on"
Network World - February 2, 2011 "Google Chromebook: The good, the bad and the beta"
Computerworld - January 25, 2011 "2011: Year of the desktop app store?"
O'Reilly Radar - January 20, 2011 "Pages before ads and other Facebook marketing tips"
Network World - January 6, 2011 "Can Firefox get its mojo back?"
Network World - December 13, 2010 "8 new and improved features of Acrobat X"
Computerworld - December 10, 2010 "In depth: Google's Cr-48 Chrome notebook"
Computerworld - November 2, 2010 "Acrobat and its alternatives: 4 ways to edit PDFs"
More articles published in past years...
Sample portfolio of past published work
 Make: Volume 02 R2-DIY 5/12/05 (on newstands beginning 5/17/05) Just in time for the premiere of Star Wars: Episode III, my article on Star Wars fans who build their own droids makes the cover of Make magazine. (Is it a coincidence or a craftily planned ploy timed with the release of Episode III to sell more copies? Hmmm....) The publication is available at various bookstore chains including Borders. [Make website] [Cover] [Photo 1] [Photo 2]
Salon Atari Lives! The
Atari 2600 ceased production in 1989. But practically speaking it never
really went away. The abandoned system has been adopted by online fans,
who nurture it with loving care. And they're doing more than just
keeping it on life support; the Atari 2600 is actually growing -- new
games are being written, and new hardware is being manufactured. [Read the article]
Salon Do-It-Yourself "Star Wars" Have
you seen "The Dark Redemption," the "Star Wars" prequel film set
days before the events of the original "Star Wars"? What about "Bounty
Trail," which features the further adventures of "Star Wars"
intergalactic bounty hunter Boba Fett? If the above sound like fanciful
ideas dreamed up by fans, that's because they are. These are products
of the "fan film" scene -- an offshoot culture of independent digital
filmmaking. [Read the article]
Linux Magazine Playing for Keeps Over
the years, NetHack fans with programming talent have dreamed up and
realized all kinds of clever ways to enhance the basic game, including
adding player character races, monsters, and spells. Two notable
projects that enhance gameplay and graphics are Slash'EM and Falcon's
Eye. [Read the article]
Salon Goes To War Is
an open-source version of Blizzard Entertainment's online gaming
service an illegal copyright violation? Ross Combs and Rob Crittenden,
two of the lead developers on bnetd, say all they ever wanted to do was
create a place to play best-selling Blizzard games like Starcraft and
Diablo in a friendly online atmosphere free of the technical bugs that
plague Blizzard sent a cease-and-desist to the ISP that hosts the Web site for bnetd. [Read the article]
O'Reilly Building Freeciv: An Open Source Strategy Game If
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Freeciv is clearly a
labor of love among its many volunteers. Since the code for this open
source version of Civilization was released in 1995, hundreds of
volunteers have added to it and improved it, even though the original
developers haven't been heavily involved in years. [Read the article]
Wired Blade Runner Run-On Why
will Blade Runner aficionados want to "retire" Jeter's book? Largely
because Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human reads like a treatment for a
"typical" Hollywood sequel - short on new ideas, heavy on brainless
action. Quiet moments like those that made the original film a classic
are not only few but irrelevant. Instead, whenever there's a lull,
Jeter piles on the action: explosions, gunfire, characters getting
busted up real bad. [Read the article]
O'Reilly The Hacker Behind "Hacking the XBox" Hacking
the Xbox, as the title of Huang's tome sums up, details how-tos for
modifying your Xbox, and provides various insights into the security
and other inner-working code of Microsoft's game console. John Wiley
& Sons was originally set to publish the book, but the company
became concerned over the legality of hacking and reverse engineering
-- practices that have since been muddled by the DMCA -- and
dropped it. [Read the article]
Salon New Life for Old Games Video-game
emulators intriguingly blur the lines between hardware and software,
PCs and game machines. Do they also promote piracy? Straddling the
legal line between reverse-engineering and software piracy, scores of
programmers are coding freeware programs that emulate the hardware of
video-game consoles, arcade machines and even other personal-computer
formats. [Read the article]
O'Reilly AbiWord: Open Source's Answer to Microsoft Word Tired
of putting up with Microsoft Word's bloated file size and price, but
still need to deal with documents in Word format? Then you should take
a serious look at AbiWord. This open source word processor is able to
read and write most documents in Word's *.doc file format. [Read the article]